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Harnessing the Power of Prayer in Your Spiritual Practice

Discover How Prayer and Manifestation Can Be Invoked to Bring Greater Peace, Protection and Guidance on Your Spiritual Path

Recently we held a Telos:LIVE session with guest speaker and medium Gaylene Brill who shared some powerful and awakening insights on the discipline and practice of Physical Mediumship.

For over 20+ years Gaylene has been actively involved in the spiritualist philosophy and has been teaching classes, workshops and holding space in her role as Vice President of the Victorian Spiritualist Union.

But what intrigued us most was Gaylene’s answer to a very important question on spiritual work and development, “How is prayer incorporated in your spiritual practice?”.

The Spiritual Power of Prayer

While many of us may be aware of the spiritual power and presence of prayer, very few understand its importance in awakening greater levels of spiritual connection, intervention, and providence.

In his best-selling book The Isaiah Effect author and scientific researcher Greg Braden describes prayer as being a conduit or bridge for deeper levels of connection with Divinity. However, Braden also alludes to the fact that many of us seem to believe that prayer is just a means to treat the Divine or God as a giant vending machine, where we humans make requests and God delivers. And if you’ve ever found yourself in a ‘sticky’ situation and cried out for help, then you will be aware of this type and form of prayer.

Creative writer and best-selling author Julia Cameron notes there are in fact several types of prayer:

Prayers of Request: Those prayers that we send out to the Divine when we are in need of help and intervention. i.e. Please God let my son travel safely. Please God help me find the work that fulfils my soul. Dear God, please help me attract the money I need to pay my mortgage this month.

Prayers of Gratitude: These are prayers that we send out both in advance and after the event to offer gratitude for all we have, and what we are bound to receive. i.e. Dear God thankyou for the food that fills my stomach today. Thankyou for the bed that I get to sleep in. Thankyou for the two legs I have that allow me to dance, to move and to play.

Prayers of Praise: In many ways these are prayers of blessing. Of upholding the light and energy that there is a greater creative force at play in the Universe and that we are a vital part of it.

Prayers of Protection: These include calling in and invoking the Divine energy of light, God, your guides, and angels for the purpose of spiritual protection and covenance on your path.

While all these prayers are important and needed in our lives, Greg Braden through his research and discussions with Native American Indigenous tribes discovered that the most powerful forms of prayer are often those of gratitude.

While in the west we are trained and conditioned to beg and ask the Divine for what we want. In indigenous cultures there is an innate understanding that we are in fact always co-creating our reality with the Divine.

Therefore, when praying for rain, Native American tribes would often send up prayers of gratitude and thanks for the rain BEFORE it arrives, knowing that it was their energy and intention that was working with the mystical world and the physical world to manifest what they really wanted.

A Powerful Sign from the Spirit World

So, should we pray as part of our spiritual practice? And if we do, then whom should the prayers be directed?

Well, when Gaylene Brill asked this question of the Spirit world, after having had an inkling that some form of prayer was required for her development groups, the answer and response from Spirit was undeniable. Following the session of healing and meditation with their group they heard a loud bang, as sign that spirit was sending them a message. Surprisingly though, when they turned the lights on they came to see that they had been presented with an apport from Spirit, a physical sign and confirmation manifested into physical form with a clear message for the group.

What was this sign? It is the tiny heart that you see at the top of this blog post. No more than around 1cm in size, every person in the group received one from Spirit that was identical in nature. However, the more surprising realisation was found upon looking more closely at the heart that they noticed and realised that every single one had in tiny print the words of the Lords Prayer engraved on them. Engraved so small in fact that no human being could have created it in that shape or form.

So, what was the message in this? YES PRAY and make it a fundamental part of your spiritual practice in connecting with Source, Spirit, God and your spirit guides and helpers. Every prayer is a request of energy that goes forth and ascends with your intention into highest spiritual spheres. No prayers is unheard and where possible the Divine intermediaries seek to ensure that all prayers are answered in some shape or form.

And why the Lord’s Prayer? Because this form of prayer has transcended generations and hundreds of years. During that time its presence has built up an undeniable energy and potentiality from every human being that has recited it, to the great temples, churches, and forums where it has been shared.

When you pray this prayer, you are literally tapping into the energy and potentiality of the universe – a direct calling card and telephone line to the Divine.

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