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Expanding Spiritual Consciousness & Returning to Source

Updated: Dec 18, 2023

Recently in one of our Open Circle Forums I shared the story of British television presenter Sue Perkins who went on a pilgrimage to India to explore the nature, civilisation and culture of people living along the river Ganges.

Expanding Spiritual Consciousness
Les' Journey in Expanding Spiritual Consciousness, Parmarth Niketan in Rishikesh, India 2019

The Ganges is one of the holiest of rivers throughout India and is often known to the locals as the ‘Mother’ energy of God. So, it was unsurprising that Perkins decided to explore and navigate her way upstream in search of the river’s source.

With adventure exploration, as well as in real life there is something exciting and magical about navigating and finding our way back to source.

In fact, this has been a current theme throughout many of our classes, workshops and session throughout 2023, as so as we draw to a close, I wanted to take a moment to share with you some of the guidance that Spirit had for:

  • Returning to source

  • Connecting with your higher-self

  • Deepening your states of internal and external alignment

  • And becoming more of a channel for grace

The Power of Confluence & Expanding Spiritual Consciousness

In 2019 I spent time on a spiritual journey through India. I many ways this journey was a reconnecting and reawakening of my soul as I went back to a land where my ancestors had spent much time.

A part of this sacred journey was a visit to Rishikesh as small-town set in the foothills of the Himalayas overlooking the Ganges, which became popular through the 60’s and 70’s due to the Beatles who often visited the Maharishi ashram.

What’s unique about this place, apart from it being the birth place of Yoga and also the home to hundreds of Hindu pilgrims, holy men (Sadhus) and spiritual seekers from the west, is that it also sits just above the confluence of the river Ganges – the place where the two great rivers meet to become one.

And it is here in this place of confluence that the energy is amplified.

Just like the river Ganges we are being called in our spiritual growth and development to expand our connection to the confluence of our Earthy life with our spiritual being.

We are literally being encouraged to bring heaven to Earth through our spiritual practice, our way of being, our prayers, thoughts, actions and behaviours, as we learn to embrace expanding spiritual consciousness.

When we seek to join in confluence with a greater energy and find our way back to our source:

  • Our energy is amplified and expanded

  • Our energy and thoughts become purer in intention

  • Our thoughts have greater power to manifest

  • We blend with the spirit world, our guides and helpers in a greater way

  • We literally become greater vehicles for spiritual energy to flow

“The greatest journey you will ever take is the 18 inches between your head and your heart.” - Thich Nhat Hanh, Vietnamese Buddhist Monk

Creating Greater Levels of Coherence

Today, scientists and researchers at the Heart Math Institute in Boulder Creek Colorado refer to this coming together of heat, mind and spirit as “Coherence”.

When our heart, mind, body and soul enter into states of coherence the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems come return to harmony. Greater states of wellbeing, wellness, healing and intuition unfold naturally. We become one with the One and it is here that we find our connection to a greater universal consciousness that is so needed at this time.

Expanding Consciousness through the Heart – A Sacred Symbol

Recently in encouraging our community to return to this state of ‘Expanded Awakening’ and ‘Presence’ Spirit provided me with a sacred symbol that has been used throughout many ancient civilisations to bring harmony, restoration, and expansion into life.

The symbol itself (as you can see below) is simply an infinity sin or figure of 8 with a horizontal line through it:

Expanding spiritual consciousness symbol

Infinity: Represents our connection to universal consciousness with is unbounded, limitless and expansive. It has no beginning and no end. It encompasses all that is, all that was, and all that will be. It is the symbol of the true expression of our soul’s potential when we take of the blinkers, when we release all doubts and fears, and when we choose to step into our true potentiality.

Horizontal Line: While the horizontal line represents the outstretched arms of the human body, expanding outwards and allowing the energy from within to be expressed creatively in the world.

Together, this symbol represents the expanded nature of human consciousness, where one is willing to bring heaven down to Earth and Earth up to meet heaven. The sacred intersection takes place in the heart where the arms are outstretched to share, blend and impact all who would enter its field.

The Process for Awakening through this Symbol

  1. Find a comfortable place

  2. Begin to breathe using the figure of 8 (infinity) to run the energy from:

    1. In Breath: From the heart up to the Soul Star chakra 6-12 inches above the head

    2. Out Breath: Bringing the energy from the Soul down through the figure 8, back into the heart, then all the way down to the Base chakra

    3. Breathing In: Drawing the energy of Mother Earth up, back through the heart, and all the way to the Soul Star Chakra

  3. Repeat the breathing through the figure 8 several times

  4. Then simply allow the breathing to return to normal as you imagine:

    1. Thee Soul energy coming down into the heart – on the out breath

    2. The Earth energy rising into the heart – on the in-breath

  5. Then just breathe normally and sit in the “Confluence” of these two channels of energy

  6. When you feel ready, outstretch the arms and use your voice to tone the sacred sound of “AH” three times

  7. With the arms outstretched allow your auric field to grow. In this place

    1. You are one with the Divine and the Divine is one with you

    2. You are your full expanded consciousness – unbounded and unlimited

    3. You are connected to the highest source of guidance and inspiration

    4. Your energy and presence expands in this world

  8. Sit and enjoy this “Expanded Level of Consciousness”

Connecting with Universal Power

Use this practice to connect more deeply and build your Universal spiritual energy and intelligence when you need it. By learning how to expand into the full potentiality of your soul energy you will not only become a greater ‘channel for grace’ but your capacity to create, manifest and bring about your soul’s desires and dreams will also evolve and grow.

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