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FOEL - Telos Community Circle  - Wednesday.png
New Series of Classes - Starts 17th January 2024

Join Us for the Next Wednesday Night Open Circle Gathering

A Sacred Space for Spiritual Empowerment, Wisdom,
Healing, Connection and Transformation

  • Are you wanting to grow, evolve and expand your spiritual gifts, talents and abilities?

  • Do you feel called to embrace more of your spiritual nature, calling and potential?

  • Are you searching for a safe, empowering and highly integrity-based community to thrive?

  • Do you feel the need for greater connection, community and positive inspiration?

  • Would you love to connect and grow alongside other heart-centred, spiritual individuals?

TELOS was created as a sacred forum for bringing together spiritual aspirants, seekers, teachers, guides, healers and visionaries who feel called to deepen their connection to spirit, awaken their spiritual potential, and that are ready to realise more of their ‘true source’ and ‘higher-self’ on this journey of life.


In scripture and mythology, TELOS was an ancient city based in Lemuria where the people were committed to the unfolding of a greater heart-based spiritual consciousness upon the Earth. Dedicated to their spiritual path and the realisation of their unique soul gifts, those in Telos were renowned for having attained the fullness of universal Christ consciousness. 


So, if you’ve been longing to find a community, tribe and place of belonging where you can grow and evolve your spiritual gifts and consciousness… then you’ve arrived at the perfect place!

Expand Your Spiritual Growth with these Fortnightly Sessions

At the ‘Heart of Telos’ you will find our Friday Night open circle community gatherings
that are grounded in inspiring spiritual discussion, connection, healing and meditation.

During these in-person fortnightly sessions you’ll experience first-hand the energy, wisdom, teachings and guidance that comes from being part of a spiritual circle and development community that is centred from the heart.


And you will leave these sessions feeling more empowered, connected, grateful and free to live your own truth and to shine your own light and spiritual gifts in a greater way.


We know that holding this space for spiritual growth, transformation and enlightenment is important at this time.


And that’s why we have purposefully made the investment for these sessions as affordable as possible, while still honouring the value and space that is being created.

"When there is light in your heart, then you will find your way home" - Rumi


Inspiring Conversations

Join us for these fortnightly open forum gatherings both live and online (2hrs) where we’ll explore various spiritual topics, share spiritual lessons and philosophy, inspired guidance and insights and connect and
grow in community.

Image by Patrick Malleret

Empowering Meditation

Guided meditations to help you connect with your guides, masters, teachers and loved ones so you can build your connection, trust and belief, while expanding your spiritual gifts.

Energy Healing

Healing Sanctuary

We hold the space for spiritual healing as a group for anyone that wishes to receive healing in area of their life (spiritually, emotionally, physically or mentally). This is also a great forum for those drawn to the healing path to connect, share and awaken their gifts.

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Spiritual Development

We know that many of you want to further develop your spiritual gifts, intuition, trust and confidence. Whether you want to develop your psychic, mediumship, reading, healing or trance skills we have a number of development series and workshops that are perfect for you.

Telos: Union with spirit; A term used by philosopher
Aristotle to refer to the full potential or inherent purpose or
objective of a person or thing; The ultimate goal of life;
The end purpose or pathway to self and soul-realisation.

Have You Been Searching for Your Tribe?

On the journey of spiritual awakening and transformation, we are all being called to grow, evolve and connect more deeply with our true essential nature and spiritual gifts.


However, the reality is that we can’t do it alone.


For centuries ancient spiritual wisdom, insight and teachings have been shared through forums, gatherings and communities that were designed to hold high levels of vibration and energy, and that have served as ‘sacred spaces’ for helping the human soul and spirit evolve into new levels of consciousness and being.

Image by Dim Hou
Hand With Rings
Unlock the Doors to
Your Higher Consciousness

Our Earth and society have been undergoing a huge transformation and awakening over the last 20 years.


And at the core of this has been an awakening that is encouraging every sentient being to rise and evolve in their consciousness.


To understand that we are more than our physical bodies, emotions and thoughts. That we are energetic beings who have been given a Divine purpose to discover more of ourselves, and to bring our special blend of light, healing, inspiration and love to this world.

This is the path of Spiritual Ascension: A calling for greater
self-realisation, harmony, oneness, self-value and appreciation.

Here's Some of the Sessions We'll be Sharing
Image by Rihards Dicis

Session 1: Wed 17th January

Reawakening Your Spiritual Energy

Reawaken your spiritual energy and perception for 2024. In this first session we’ll be invoking the connection with your master teachers and guides; beginning to open to the celestial and angelic realms; and holding the energy of intention for what your soul wants to manifest.



Image by jean wimmerlin

Session 4: Wed 6th March

Embracing Your Wild Wisdom

Discover the pathway of returning to your soul/spiritual connection with source; learn to open a greater channel to spirit and connect more deeply with the wild, intuitive and grace-filled nature of your spirit – a place beyond all limitations where the heart leads the way – with freedom and grace-filled surrender.

Image by Lina Trochez

Session 2: Wed 7th February

Learning to Manifest with Higher Wisdom & Grace

Step into the energy of active manifestation and learn how to direct your spiritual energy to create what you really want; gain freedom from old limitations and patterns; step more fully into your true spiritual presence and energy; navigate and overcome challenges from your past; learn to actively create your life with greater grace, love and freedom.

Image by Chris Lawton

Session 5: Wed 20th March

Entering the Presence of Transformation

We are all on a path of transformation and inner/outer change. In this session we turn our attention to the inner-drivers that create transformational spirited change on all levels. Learn how to release the old identity to discover yourself; Know what it is like to step into a new energy and way of being; Move beyond the comfort of the river bank to discover your spiritual state of flow, purposefulness and energy.

Image by Christophe Van der waals

Session 3: Wed 21st February

Connecting with the Angelic & Celestial Realms

Learn how to connect more deeply with the Celestial and Angelic Realms; Reconnect with your authentic light body energy and spirit; Build your connection with the light beings; And learn how to listen more deeply to you inner-wisdom and soul guidance  through the heart.



Image by Aida Batres

Session 6: Wed 20th March

Trusting in Divine Beauty

Nature demonstrates the gift of beauty in our lives on all levels. In this session we explore the nature of consciousness and how to awaken the connection with the natural world, so we can summon greater purpose, presence, energy and vitality in our world. The gift of a reconnection with spirit at a very deep level of being and the connection with Lemurian principles for higher spiritual awakening and living.


So, What's the Community Really About?

TELOS will help you to accentuate your gifts, gain answers and inspiration to your many questions, grow and feel more empowered in your journey, and most of all provide you with the perfect supportive, empowering and encouraging community and environment to thrive!


Therefore today, as we gather in this sacred space of the Flame of Eternal Light we too look to assist humanity and all seekers in the unfolding of their deepest spiritual gifts and abilities, so that all can manifest the full divinity of the Christ consciousness on Earth, which is the divinity that has – and will always be ever present within our hearts.


So if you've ever felt ...

  • A calling or push to tap into a greater part of yourself

  • A selfless desire and love to bring healing and restoration to your life, loved ones and planet

  • An inner-knowing that you are here for a much greater purpose and calling

  • A spiritual awakening or experience that moved your world and led you to become more

  • A deep inner pursuit for ‘truth’ – not anyone else’s – but your own inner truth and wisdom

  • A desire to make a difference, live purposefully, happily and alignment with higher values

Then you're in the right place, because here's what you'll experience ...

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Telos Open Circle Details

When:     1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month

Time:        7.30pm - 9.30pm

Duration:   2 hrs

Where:     Belgrave Library,
               Reynolds Lane, Belgrave           



  • Casual: $20 per gathering (payable at door)

  • Membership: $35 per month (attend both sessions)

Your Truth

Find answers to some of your greatest questions on the path of spiritual awakening

Sharing, Growing
& Evolving

Learn and grow through inspirational talks, teachings, insight
and wisdom

Profoundly Healing
Your Life

Experience deep levels of profound group healing and connection

Gaining Valuable Insight & Guidance

Gain insight, wisdom, guidance and messages to assist you on your path

Your Tribe

Connect, engage and feel empowered in a community of like-minded people

Expanding Your Consciousness

Experience guided meditations and transforming processes for awakening consciousness

Connecting Spiritually

Develop a greater connection to your inner-wisdom, guides and spiritual helpers

Making a Bigger Difference

Contribute and use your gifts to make a bigger difference to humanity and our community

Who's the Community for?

These sessions are open community gatherings and are open to all levels of spiritual seekers.

So, no matter if you are ...

  • Just starting on your spiritual path (awakening) or

  • Have felt an calling for a group like this (initiate) or

  • You’ve been on the path for some time (aspirant)


You’re welcome to come along and join us!

Image by Patrick Schneider
Image by Elia Pellegrini

Our Spiritual Essence & Philosophy

With a deep connection to the ancient Egyptian mystery schools of healing and light, both Ela and Les bring forth a unique vibration and energy in their teachings that are grounded in light, love, truth and the highest evolution of the human soul and consciousness.


Most of all these sessions are free of prescribed doctrine or religiosity and participants are encouraged to find trust their own inner-wisdom, light and truth.

Imagine Being Able to Develop, Grow and Evolve Your Spiritual
Potential in an Environment Based on Love, Light, Integrity & Healing

Awaken Your Unique Spiritual Path and Find the Guidance, Healing, Insight and Direction Your Soul has been Longing For ...

On the path of spiritual awakening we are all being called to connect more deeply with our soul’s truth and to liberate our full spiritual potential.


What we really long for and need is to grow, evolve and connect in a community that is based on integrity, growth, healing and truth.


To be part of an inspired and engaged circle of like-minded people that can hold the space for greater light, transformation, purposefulness, and spiritual growth at this time.

Path with Plants

Upcoming Telos Community Circle Sessions for 2024

No events at the moment
Join as Member

Join as a Foundation Member* and Accelerate Your Spiritual Growth, Empowerment and Transformation.

The Telos Open Forum Circle has been created as a community and open forum for anyone that is on a path of greater spiritual awakening, insight and growth, that is longing to connect, learn and evolve alongside other heart-centred, spiritual and conscious individuals.

But this is no ordinary development group, spiritual church or development circle ...

Instead, it’s dynamic and engaging gathering of heart-centred and spirited individuals who are longing to awaken their unique spiritual gifts and are ready to find the purpose, presence and confidence needed to share their own light in the world in an even greater way.

* Membership is by application and once you have completed your registration form
we will then contact you to confirm your place and get you started.

Image by Blake Cheek

What's Included in Membership ...

  • Access to 2 x fortnightly Friday circles

  • Discounts on our courses & live events

  • Access upcoming Ascension program

  • Learn from guest speakers & teachers

  • Private members area and group

  • Private social gatherings & connection

  • Monthly spiritual mentoring session

Join Us from as Little as
$35* Per Month

While we grow the Telos and Flame of Eternal Light community we would like to keep this spiritual group as open and affordable to everyone.

​That's why you can subscribe as a 'Foundation Member' from as little as $35* per month.

About Your Facilitators

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Ela Lawrentjew

Seichim and Reiki Master, Trance Medium,
Spiritual Healer, Reader and Teacher

Ela is a spiritual teacher, healer, counselor, Seichim and Reiki master, psychic medium and trance channeler with a passion for helping people awaken and discover their inner-most gifts.


Tel: 0402 102 110    

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Les Price

Transformational Coach, Energy Healer,
Spiritual Medium and Soul Guide

Les is a transformational coach, author, speaker, medium and intuitive who has been helping people discover and connect with their unique soul purpose and life path for over 20 years.


Tel: 0414 298 203  

Image by Braden Jarvis

About the Global Telos Lemuria

The Lemurian Age took place more than 12,000 years ago. At this time Lemuria, similar to Atlantis, was really the centre-point of civilization that helped to birth and give life to many other civilizations on Earth consisting of beings that had come from Sirius, Alpha Centauri and a number of other systems.


At this time the Lemurians constructed a city of light, which they called Telos, which included vast aspects of California including Mount Shasta.


Telos which means ‘Communication with Spirit’ and ‘Oneness with Spirit’ was grounded in the energy of unconditional love, service and contribution to humanity through the power and presence of the heart.


And it is here that even today this presence of ‘Flame of Eternal Light’ can be felt and reaches out to all of those who have walked the Lemurian path and know that it is time to come home.


To awaken their gifts and consciousness at this time and to do the light work that they have come here to do.

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