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The Soul's Journey of Awakening

Join Us for this NEW Six Week Spiritual Development
and Empowerment Series with Ela Lawrentjew and Les Price

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You'll Also Learn and Discover ...
  • The path of initiation in revealing your unique spiritual gifts

  • How to awaken more of your sacred ‘soul self’

  • Greater awareness of your soul’s spiritual purpose

  • How to find greater clarity, purpose and direction on the path

  • How to activate and your psychic, intuitive and spiritual talents

  • How to take back your power and own your spiritual destiny

  • The path to connecting more deeply with your authentic source

Register Below to Book Your Place for the  Soul's Journey of Awakening Series 

Like to attend these classes? Register your interest below and we will then email you details of how you can complete your payment for the classes.

Thanks for submitting!

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As human beings on this ‘journey of life’ we are all being called to awaken more of our extraordinary spiritual purpose, potential and calling.

Its in the nature of our soul to grow, expand and evolve … but to do so means that we first need to go within to heal and release our past … to awaken our true spiritual nature … and find the courage, confidence and certainty to stand more fully in our light.

And that’s why The Soul’s Journey of Awakening™ was created.

To help those who have been searching for a community, pathway and teachings that can help them awaken more of their true self, expand their spiritual potential and bring greater awareness to their soul’s journey and unfolding at this time 

When:       Saturdays: 12pm - 2pm

Where:      Ananda Yoga, Belgrave

Duration:    2 hour class - 6 weeks

Investment:  Casual $25 per class or

                 Attend all 6 classes for just $120

Awaken Your Spiritual Potential

Join us for this transformational ‘open circle’ where each week we’ll explore different themes relating to your own spiritual growth, empowerment and awakening.

  • Longing to connect more deeply with your ‘sacred self’?

  • Searching for a safe place where you can ‘grow’ and ‘evolve’?

  • Like to break-free of the past and rediscover your purpose, presence and power?

During these classes you will also experience:

  • Higher spiritual wisdom, insights, guidance

  • Guided spiritual meditations to awaken your consciousness

  • Direct energetic healing, Reiki and spiritual healing

  • Guided inspiration, insight and messages from spirit

  • Trance channeling and insightful wisdom from spirit

  • Mediumship and intuitive/psychic guidance

  • Connection with like-minded spiritual seekers 

Here's What We'll be Sharing Over the Six Weeks
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Class 1: Saturday 19th June

The Path of Initiation – Awakening Your Spiritual Gifts

The path of initiation calls the traveler to go within, to seek their own truth and to march to the beat of their own drum. Courage and faith are needed to embark on the great journey, yet this is exactly where the traveler finds their gifts, activates their soul and steps into their light

Image by Darius Bashar

Class 2: Saturday 26th June

The Healing Power of Self-Love and Self-Worth

The essence of pure unconditional love provides us with a powerful vehicle for soul healing, transformation and growth. Your soul came from love. In this session we embrace the powerful essence of healing to awaken, stir, empower and activate your spiritual growth.  You will also learn why its so important to honor and trust your ‘sacred self’ at this time.

Image by Marcelo Matarazzo

Class 3: Saturday 3rd July

Connecting Fully with Your Source

​There is a vast spiritual energy and potential that is available to everyone. In awakening and following your path of ‘ascension’ you will learn to raise your energy and vibration beyond ego, fear and limitation to discover your unlimited, purposeful and magnificent self.

Shrine Path

Class 4: Saturday 10th July

Finding and Following Your Spiritual Calling

​There is a calling in every spirit and soul to experience more of its true self. The call is an invitation to return home to discover who you ‘really’ are, ‘why’ you are here, and ‘what’ you came to do. In this class we begin to connect with divine guidance & insight for your journey.


Class 5: Saturday 17th July

Soul Liberation - Unfolding Your Spiritual Potential

​Join us on another transformational healing journey as we call in the energy and guidance for liberation of the soul on all levels. Here you will learn to take back your power, to free yourself from past limitations and beliefs, and to reclaim your spiritual authority and destiny.

Image by Conscious Design

Class 6: Saturday 24th July

Attuning to Higher Wisdom, Insight and Guidance

​Spiritual growth and empowerment is accelerated when we learn to raise our energy beyond the physical while elevating our own vibration and presence. Here you will learn to create greater levels of ‘attunement’ and connection to your own inner-wisdom and guides.

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